Chelsea footballer Willian says that the players are not comfortable in playing with the current circumstances. They want the uncertainty regarding the virus to be cleared. This leads to the conclusion players are notsatisfied in the league beginning within a few weeks.

The football activity in England was suspended during the month of March and the committee nowhas decided to bring back Premier League by mid-June.United Kingdom has been affected gravely by the virus with 34,000 deaths and 240,000 confirmed positive cases. With thousands of positive cases, UK is still struggling to go back to normalcy.

Bundesliga has restarted with the absence of audience in this week. Willian wants to make assurance regarding the safety of the player’s health when the Premier League resumes. He has stated to the Evening Standard that most of the players are not comfortable in playing in such an environment.

“We’re really keen to return, we really miss playing and doing what we love. But it needs to be safe for us to do so. That’s how we’re looking at it. Our health has to come first. So right now, players don’t feel comfortable with the idea of returning until it’s totally safe to do so,” said Willian.

Frank Lampard along with other teammates have done video conference multiple times. They have all been connected with each other during the time of lockdown. Lampard had filled them with the information in what the Premier League committee wants to do.

The striker is not aware of how the future of the league will be directed. He hopes that the members will be meeting soon in the upcoming days and they will be informed on how the league will be proceeding.

Besides Willian, other footballers like Sergio Aguero, Troy Deeney and Danny Rose has shown their concern. Watford manager Nigel Pearson is also concerned about the resumption of the league. He feels that people are underestimating the virus and expressed his anguish on how people are losing their loved onesand warns everyone to be cautious. Cultural secretary Oliver Dowden had assured that the Premier League will only start if it is accounted to be safe.

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